Mar 19, 2011


Sensory overload.

Seriously, this has been going on for 10 years?!?! What rock have I been living under? I didn't think Ottawa was this cool.

Timekode operates on the third Friday of every month. Last month the venue was at Barrymores, March 18 it was at Eri Cafe. They pull all the tables out of there, throw up some lights, put up speakers and turn the fans on. Simple. Friday there were 3 DJ's spinning;


For the first hour or so I was in complete awe. Like my jaw was on the floor. It didn't take long for me to let loose but when I did, I danced like no one was watching and had a blast. Teri and Cathy peaced out by what, midnight. I wasn't leaving. This lone wolf partied till the lights went on.

And I'm not a dancer! I'm not having a Tim-style dance off in the middle of the circle Wasaga style. Like I consciously have to remember not to make my stupid "I'm dancing face." The beats were simply amazing, everyone is doing their own thing, no one is there to judge and no one cares how you look. Totally my style. I had my gin grin on the whole night and I was SOBER.

Everyone is simply comfortable wearing their favorite ratty clothes; plain white T's, a fair amount of plaid; whatever. Pretty hipster and gangsta all at the same time JUST LIKE ME! Right On! People that were there totally had an alternate personality. Like the uber white dude with the thick frames bustin' a move in the circle was probably a lawyer or something, and I totally met someone who's friends with part of Arcade Fire! After party...?

With my hot water tank being all busted and stuff, I had not showered after the shit show that was St.Patty's day and this place was packed, hot and sweaty. I totally fit in.

It seriously feels like a high school basement party. It's awesome because the crowd is a bit older and there are no 19 year old kiddies there to kill the vibe; except I bet everyone probably thought I was one of those kiddies...

What a great vibe, I was totally wearing the right button for the venue; dancing robot ftw. I didn't want to be that guy taking pictures of the bar so if you wanna see what timekode is all about, go check it out for yourself.

By the way timekode, I am stealing your ceiling sheer/Christmas lights combo for my crawlspace. Mom brought over some curtain stuff today and there was a blue sheer in the box... like that's going on a window... Crawlspace UPGRADE! I spent most of the night looking up at it anyways, nice touch!

I did take a few crawlspace recordings cause really, the music is the only thing that matters. Take a listen to my own remix, gawd I love my internet phone... This should tide you over until next month.

timekode - And the beats don't stop

Highest recommendation. Hit em up on Facebook too, peace.

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