Mar 27, 2011

han solo is da man

Let it be known that I am a huge Star Wars nerd, born and raised.

We started off with the original trilogy on VHS with no extra scenes or any of that non-sense. We watched those for years. Mom picked up the newer DVD's (two different versions if I do recall) but I have not caved since we've owned that first VHS copy. I am EAGERLY awaiting for the Complete Saga to be released in September; it's like sorta a big deal to me ok.

Obviously when the Family Guy Star Wars blu-ray's came out; I caved. I needed my fix even though they are condensed versions that make fun of the films I love. They are freakin' hilarious, who am I kidding.

That being said, I recall this happening in the Family Guy episode. If you are a Star Wars junkie like myself you would have picked up on this years ago, kept it to yourself, relished at the fact that you picked up on an easter egg from the movie. Then one day, a pompous, red headed, over-actor from Hollywood comes along and ruins this for you. No hard feelings. Nope; none all all. No.

Congratulations Seth Green, you have animator friends.

Anyways, yesterday I was deeply immersed in the 50's and I picked up on something you might not have Seth Green.

Somebody wearing somebody else's clothes in a movie isn't exactly earth shattering news; unless those clothes once again belong to Han Solo. This is one shirt and vest combo that gets around.

In this clip from the Godfather, both characters are also similar to Solo in most regards; quick tempered, smooth talking, cocky, all kinds of macho-likeness and overall; completely badass. You be the judge.

I think I know what I'm talking about here; I gots me a 6' Boba Fett just standin' there and an Empire Strikes Back print in the same living room. Like that.

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