Listening to records is pretty cool. I'd hear on the radio that records were still being pressed for todays bands but I didn't know which bands and I just never got into it. I always thought that vinyl meant that was the ULTRA SPECIAL edition and would cost numerous many dollars. This is simply incorrect. You can get a new indie record for $12.99; the same as a CD.
This intrigues me since I am the last human being on earth who still buys CDs. I like to have the stuff. A file is not stuff.
Nowadays, some albums even come with free digital downloads. Then there's always the possibility of importing it using an $80 USB record player.
Every so often I walk into HMV after work and pretty well have the same conversation with someone who works there:
"What's good?"
"Well... what sorta music do you like, blah blah meow."
"I'm just looking to reach out to new music that I normally don't listen to. Can you maybe point out a couple of your favorites or some albums you are currently hooked on?"
This usually ends with me walking out of there with 8 albums of i-don't-know-what. I usually take to them pretty well but there's always the one disc that is just too far out there for my tastes.
The perfect example of this is when I picked up Strawberry Jam
Anyways, off topic, where was I? Records.
The other day we went to go see Brendan Flynn and the Terrible Liars at Elmdale Tavern.
Both bands that played that night were great, have a look/listen-ski.
After the show on our way out we see they are selling copies of their latest album on vinyl. This local Ottawa band, like, the chef from Quinn's, had his latest album pressed and they were selling them at the door. Yes. The album is psychedelic colored and has a hand-numbered sticker thing on there. Yes. All this for $20. Yes. Our record says 023/100.
Man, isn't technology awesome? I was able to sit there and take all these pictures, audio recordings and video with my iPhone. Like, I have the internet in my pocket that is also a video camera. I still remember the look on my cousins faces when I told them:
"When I was a kid, televisions were made out of wood!"
Why was I ever against technology in the first place?
"I'm NEVER joining Facebook. Or getting a smartphone."
I must be retarded. Not only do I embrace technology, I jump into it 127% just like always do for everything. I don't half-ass much in life, except maybe getting doors up.
Tell me, how could I do this without technology?
That's my buddy showing off his new car; his new, pimpin' black, sexy, voice-activated luxury CX-7 beautiful technology computer car. The features you can get today... Bluetooth in your rims to gauge the air pressure. Bluetooth stereo which connected to my internet phone via voice commands so I could play tracks from "Kevin's Shitty Phone" over the cars speakers. Right (wait for it) On.
Anyways, best drive to Wakefield for a sandwich I've ever been on. What else do you do with a Wednesday after work?
Hey friend! Lovely post, per usual. I love your strategy of just asking people what their favourite stuff to listen to is and trying it out, it's so easy to get trapped in certain genres and get path dependent on stuff you already know (I've also struggled with some Animal Collective.)
ReplyDeleteAnd you can end up with cool Liars-like albums, such as a Richard Laviolette album I have from a show yeeeeeears ago Greg Cavana suggested (like my 2nd year) that's made of thick card stock, individually screenprinted, and sewn together with thick red thread. Like with a home sewing machine.