Mar 13, 2017

people are idiots

as the biggest asshole on the internet i find it necessary that i re establish this fact from time to time
cause it is all good ladies and gentlemen nothing wrong here nothing to see at all
this is life and we all have a version of our own
consciousness to the world around me was not something i was particularly interested in for the longest time
i just took the truths at face value just like the rest of you because the lie was convincing
it all lined up this is the way it is and that takes the better part of your childhood to understand
then you learn how to become a useful slave after playing by the rules for a certain period of time
congrats you way to go you have a job
now you are so totally in control of where you live and how you get to work based on how comfortable you want to live
your quality of life determines your illusion on how you perceive reality woo hoo
so now you are set
life is stable and everything has been planned perfectly
time for life awesome in between paying for all this obviously
the time in between now becomes your everything
your      time
where you can do whatever with whoever
that time was usually reserved for the little things in life
that time slot has been booked up now
the appreciation of little things diminishes
an entire life driven to succeed over others has reached its climax
you have been duped fool
your reality has been nothing other than competition over others
even in team settings and social games lines of division are drawn
people blindly only truly know one mantra which is more more more
make my boss happy so i can get more so i can make my wife happy
make my kids happy with the latest mind control slavery toys that they need
the trinity of me myself and i plus what is mine as in my parents
my children
my house
that is a trinity of three plus the ever important my which is thirteen
it is backwards upside down and flipped version of the way life should be
looking after me and going to get what is mine mentality is wrong
you cannot possibly expect to plan for randomness with all that is a going on here do ya
what about time for self reflection of the story of your life that is constantly unfolding in each their own way
what happened today that made you think or feel or remember
what stuck with you
what happened in the moment said by someone you were with that was perfectly said to describe the collectives thoughts right then
just saying a lot can happen in the time in between plans that you can miss out on
you need to read in between the lines guys
cause you are processing numbers unconsciously always via all of your senses like breathing which is effortless
phrases are words are numbers from different points of view and there are various ways to decode said values
and if everything happens for a reason then as an infinite creator being you experienced those values and they have now been added to the bible of your life
a great story of all the stuff you do
your soul journey through the television screen of your eyes which only you can see
and we all share the same space in recording our own shows
and we all are here to learn something and grow and evolve so that we can experience abundance for we are presently right now in the garden of eden
you create your reality so better start decoding it
heres a hint
i bet youll come across an austin lee meredith along your journey
follow the synchronicities and see what happens
if we are nothing but energy then wouldnt heaven be where you get to do what you love to do with the time you have here
would not our subconscious want to find a way to free ourselves from this bondage to make the pigs of animal farm fatter
i do believe that energy as the earth are cellular in nature but can be perceived from different points of view
if free energy allows us to create our own reality to create our own wealth by doing whatever it is we love to do
shouldnt this be something that we would all strive to want and have
would you not help another soul get to where you have reached if it was within your means
would you literally lend a helping hand to someone in need
to create abundance for all
if i had a space where i could create a lifestyle for a family then i would think i have understood what the lesson is to learn in earth
i have understood the n plus one of myself
how the divine feminine and masculine work together to create something new for little the babes to grow
to have that taken from me is a scar that only satan himself could inflict on me for that hurt caused me to get back on course and start over
that pain was neccessary for me to connect the dots
i will not forget that lesson
that lesson has led me to free energy so i truly hope i never forget this cause it was hard to get to here
start from the beginning with dots and lines to see what happens because i know that geometry is important and stuff
there are different dimensions and who even knows what that means
what i do know is i am pretty sure i get how to turn an axle with zero fuel only using magnets
but now you are a crazy person says everyone
when you see just how fucked up this place really is and how it operates and has been for thousands of years
you better be crazy cause its all a sick fucking joke