Jul 19, 2012

The Morrisburg Leader - Drought impacting local crops(News)

The Morrisburg Leader - Drought impacting local crops(News)

Trying to kink a local news article to the drought we have all been experiencing. Get ready for $14 Corn Pops...

Jul 17, 2012

welcome elizabeth mae janok

The last couple of days certainly have been an adventure!

Thursday seemed like the perfect day. Woke up with a raccoon in the trap making the total four now. On the way into work took a picture of a tree that looks like a chicken. Went for a walk down our road only to find choke cherry bushes that we can use for jam. Picked said berries. Once we dropped off said berries, retried that walk and ended up picking up a sweet FREE couch set at the neighbors. This was Thursday according to my phone; awesome.

#995 - last thursday

Even had a false alarm that night. We got back to the farm at 03:30.

Friday the 13th was not like Thursday the magnificent.

I was wired when I got home and maybe got like 2 hours of sleep. Worked from home that day; didn't drive past the chicken tree :(

Friday night re-retried that walk. Made it all the way to the corner with mama! On the way back saw that our little grey kitty Minxy got hit by a car. We think she was carrying cause earlier that day Alex said she was cleaning all the hair off her nipples.

Mama bear was more than sad. Ran back to the house as I buried the cat in the orchard. It was so dark that partway through, I needed a flashlight so I returned to the house. On the way I noticed three raccoons on the roof of the outdoor pen just above the ducks.

I need my guns.

Since I don't have my guns right now, I got Alex and we tried to shoo them away as I beat them through the wire with a hockey stick.

Canadian eh?

Mama didn't like me beating on raccoon babies either. We decided to board up the pens from the inside securing our farm animals but taking away the outdoor part of their pens.

I promptly finished up with kitty.

Alex had been having contractions through all of this. We were exhausted mentally and physically.

Tonight is not the night I want to go to the hospital.

Those actual words were said and then Alex plopped down on the bed. After that, well, a picture says a thousand words (sometimes 46).

Saturday was much better :D. 

The big day had finally come where mama gave birth to daddy's perfect 6 pound 1.4 oz baby girl on Saturday July 14th at 11:30 in the am. 

That's what the people want to know right?

Mommy and baby are 100% and we have been home since Monday afternoon. I am so proud of Alex. Eight hours of natural labor before four more assisted only to have pushed five times and then Elizabeth came into this world on a laugh.

I think I told a joke about something to do with the buffalo which are located south of the boarder.
Did you even feel that?

That was actually what the doctor said to Alex as she held our Elizabeth, mommy grinning ear to ear.

Ok, before I go any further I have to say this.

There probably isn't anything more disgusting or annoying than how first time parents oggle over their little one. The pictures. The stories. The Facebook or tweets...

Awesomely, we are those parents; she's too freggin' cute.

The baby will probably be a hot topic in Kevinland soooo I will apologize for my ridiculous baby-brain actions and those to come.

I am sorry.

Being a father is AWESOME and it totally changes things. This is why I have decided to stop swearing in my blog posts. That's right, I'll use my big boy words instead (and the occasional happy butterfly amazingness to describe those moments of utter frustration).

Alex was right, a woman becomes a mother while the baby is inside her and a man becomes a father once he holds his little one.

Actually, it hit me on the second drive home from the hospital. 

Wow. I am totally girling right now.

Things ARE different. Music sounds different. I actually care about things like my health and stuff. My driving sure has changed! I catch myself using the word cute...

I used to hate that word. I found it was overused, especially when describing anything to do with babies. 

Look how cute the air passes over the baby's cute hat... 
le sigh; barf.

To a point now, I get it. Babies are cute and there will come a time where everyone will get this. 

When in Rome, do as the Romans do; leave those crazy Spartans alone.

For more of my personal amusement in 16 years, enjoy the cuteness.

Remember when I said I was going to get a dad haircut and tuck in my shirts? Ya, that's not me. I only lasted one haircut and now I'm pretty close to back to normal. I just don't like tucking in my shirts. I can still be me and a dad. Today I even got to rock out for a bit. Well, I rocked out: